To conclude, Skyburner’s Oath is a good Scout Rifle with an interesting perk to aid you in both PVP and PVE. This week, you can find Xur in the EDZ, standing on a bluff overlooking the Winding Cove. In Destiny 2, he can appear all over the map, as well as inside the Tower. The weekly Exotic item merchant, Xur, hangs out in random locations around the world of Destiny. He will appear in the public sector of any of the four worlds: European Dead Zone, Titan, IO, and Nessus or in the Tower. He only appears on the weekends between 12 PM EST on Friday to 12 PM EST on Tuesday, and his location changes each week. He sells Legendary and Exotic items for Legendary Shards.

This week, you can find Xur on: Earth – Winding Cove, EDZ. Xur Location and Inventory Guide Many players want to know the answer of these question, but it is not possible, at least until Xur appears in Destiny 2. He also brings an exotic weapon and engram. He brings one exotic for each class Hunter, Warlock, and Titan. Xur is the shady vendor who wears a hood and delivers exotics to all the Destiny 2 guardians every week. The best place to start hunting for Legendary Shards is somewhere that you probably don’t pay a lot of attention to, which is your vault. How to farm Legendary Shards in Destiny 2 0.4 adds numerous weapons from previous seasons, including the Falling Guillotine sword and “reprised” weapons such as the IKELOS SG shotgun. Now, Destiny 2: Beyond Light’s hotfix 3.0. It’s no secret that many of Destiny 2’s players had qualms about weapon sunsetting. Can you still get falling guillotine in beyond light?